

*Rev Simba can be reached at:


  • Dec 15th is the last day to bring in your items for the stockings for seniors.
  • We are livestreaming!  Click on the link below to join worship from wherever you are!!
  • Opportunity – Are you available to drive someone from Niverville to Wpg and back again, following their 1 1/2 hour practice session? If you can help, please contact Roxanne.
  • Broadview subscriptions are $30.00 (tax included) are now up for renewal.
  • June 10, 2025, marks the 100th anniversary of the UCC. A book has been offered to commemorate the event, written by, Brian Arthur Brown, “The United Church of Canada” – the book takes us from coast to coast, providing stories and pictures of the church life and ministry – sign up at NUC to purchase your copy!

*Exciting News! The equipment for live streaming for the Joint Ministry Project with Steinbach UC is operational. This is a special time for our church family as we move forward with our friends from Steinbach in this joint ministry.

  • To raise funds for this project, we will have fundraisers and will gratefully accept donations. If you have any fundraising ideas, please talk to or email Lesley at:

If you would like to make a donation, it can be done by cheque  (please note that it is for “Joint Ministry Project”) or etransfer to


Favorite Bible Verse

A weekly Bible Verse section has been added to our web page!

Do you have a favorite bible verse that is meaningful to you?  Share with us the verse and how this verse has spoken to you or helped you in your journey.  Email and Terri will add it to the web page.