- Please consider increasing your donations to our church…and thank you so very much!!
- Please note if you are using old envelopes or blank envelopes please make sure to put your envelope number and current date/year on the envelope. Thank you!
- ETRANSFER IS NOW AVAILABLE – Thank you to all of our church family for continuing to support the work of our church. Many have requested the opportunity to submit donations and offerings by Etransfer from their bank to the church’s account at Niverville Credit Union. This can now be done! First, donors should send an email to the church ( informing of where their money is to be directed: $ to General, $ to Mission & Service. When doing the online etransfer to Niverville United Church please include your envelope or PAR number as well as the intended designation of funds under “Memo.” That will ensure your donation goes exactly where you want it to go.
- In case you forget to send an email! Susan F., Envelope Steward, will record the donations and offerings as she does with the actual envelopes and Gloria, Treasurer, will also ensure the monies go exactly where they are meant to go. At year-end, the charitable donation receipts will be made available to you. Still have questions? Leave a message at the church office 304-388-4634.
Anyone interested in either signing up for or making changes to their monthly Pre-Authorized Remittances (PAR offering) should contact Lesley
Don’t forget our local businesses who are facing very challenging times especially those who have not been open for very long when all of this started. Order a meal or drop by to pick up a coffee at a locally-owned business if you can!!
Financial Support
Thank you so much for continuing to support the on going work of Niverville United Church – there are several ways of doing this. You may mail a cheque to Box 375, Niverville, MB. R0A 1E0, e-transfer now available or this might just be the time to sign up for Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR). You may email for further details.