Senior Gift-Giving Program


2024 is another great year to help us give a gift to a senior!!

**Dec 15th is the last Sunday to bring in your gifts for the stockings that will be given to seniors**

*Many thanks to all that donated to this wonderful event….your gifts are greatly appreciated!

We would love your help in providing a gift item to help brighten someone’s Christmas….There is a container at the back of the church for you to place any of the suggested items listed below…

chocolates, lotions, puzzles, crossword books, pens, sock, coffee mugs, any knit/crochet items, gift cards, and monetary donations to purchase some items. Monetary donations gratefully accepted!! All items received with gratitude!!

If you know of anyone who would be in need of a gift, contact NUC….and thank you!!

Christmas is coming and Santa is getting his gifts for in-need seniors.  If you know of anyone who would benefit from a Christmas gift please contact . The name/address/phone number will be required.  Christmas is not always a happy time for many, and receiving a gift shows that someone cares.  Donations will be gratefully appreciated.

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